
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Comparing the Doctrines and Beliefs

of the "Iglesia ni Cristo" and "Trinitarian"  
Beliefs in God and Jesus Christ 
so people may come to see the proof texts and know who is teaching 
unbiblical and un-Christian doctrines. 

This section "Compare Supporting Verses" is being presented in comparative format, to help refute or disprove the persistent effort of Iglesia ni Cristo detractors who keep on calling  the the Iglesia ni Cristo a cult or cult of Christianity with unbiblical and un-Christian doctrines and beliefs, just because Iglesia ni Cristo deny or refuse to believe their so-called "central doctrines of the Christian faith" particularly their belief in the Triune God and the deity of Jesus.  By  Comparing the Supporting Verses,  Iglesia ni Cristo wants people to realize that contrary to what her detractors says,  Iglesia ni Cristo teachings are biblical and solidly based on what is written in the Bible. Unbelievable but true, it is her detractors that are teaching unbiblical and un-Christian doctrines because their Trinitarian belief is not explicitly taught in the Holy Bible.
Iglesia ni Cristo does not hide the truth 

because her doctrines are not hidden in mystery.  
On the contrary, Iglesia ni Cristo wants you to know the truth 
because her beliefs are solidly based on the Holy Bible.  
Welcome! . . .
Find out who is really teaching the truth written in the Holy Bible. 

Study, Examine and Compare the Supporting Verses
Trinitarian Belief:Iglesia ni Cristo Belief:
Statement of the Trinitarian belief:
  • Trinitarians believe in the Trinity, that "God is the "Triune God" existing as three personsGod the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spiritbut one being.
    • The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have one identical essence or nature, not merely similar natures.
    • The Father is uncreated, the Son is uncreated, and the Holy Spirit is uncreated, and all three are eternal with no beginning.
    • Members of the Trinity are said to be co-equal and co-eternal, one in essence, nature, power, action, and will.
  • Trinitarians believe that Jesus Christ is "God the Son"the incarnation of the eternal second person of the Trinity who took on a human body and nature and became both man and God.
    • These two natures, human and divine, are hypostatically united into the one personhood of Jesus Christ.Thus Jesus Christ is fully man and fully God simultaneously.

Statement of the Iglesia ni Cristo belief:
  • Iglesia ni Cristo believes in the absolute oneness of God, that "the Only True God is the Father" in heaven―not the Son and more so not the Holy Spirit.
    • The Father is the Lord God Almighty, the Creator of all things. God is Spirit, eternal, immortal and invisible.
    • The Father in heaven is the God and Father of Jesus and His Apostles; He is also the God and Father of Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the ancient Israelites.
  • Iglesia ni Cristo believes that Jesus is the Christ, the "Son of God"not God the Son, more so not God Himself.
    • As the Son of God, Jesus is a Man.  However, Jesus is not an ordinary man but a "very special Man" because. . . .
      • God, the Father sanctified Jesus and sent into the world.
      • God  made Jesus both "Lord and Christ";
      • God made Jesus Saviorof the people.
      • The Man Christ Jesus is the only one mediatorbetween God and humanity
      • God has chosen the Man Jesus to  judge the world for Him on the day of Judgment.
Trinitarians claim that their belief is based on the Holy Bible.Iglesia ni Cristo claim that their belief is based on the Holy Bible.
Please take a closer look: 

If both beliefs are based on the Holy Bible, why is the Trinitarian belief in God and Jesus Christ completely different from the Iglesia ni Cristo belief?
 As clearly shown above,

The Trinitarian and Iglesia ni Cristo beliefs in God and Jesus Christ are conflicting and contradictory. Thus, it is very obvious that there exist a discrepancy in the use of the Bible as a basis of their beliefs.
This section is being developed

 to enhance awareness of this apparent discrepancy 
so people who are interested in studying the Iglesia ni Cristo belief in comparison with the Trinitarian belief can easily see the reason behind this discrepancy and also to help refute or disprove the persistent claim of Iglesia ni Cristo detractors that Iglesia ni Cristo doctrines and beliefs are unbiblical and un-Christian.. 

To enhance awareness of this discrepancy: 
The scriptural references or supporting verses of these contradictory beliefs will  be presented in comparative format (presented side by side) for the following reasons: 
  • By comparison, one can clearly see the relevance or irrelevance of the given supporting verses to the stated doctrines and beliefs.
  • By comparison, one clearly see how the supporting verses are being interpreted by their proponents.
    • Did they personally interpret the verses to explain their beliefs?
    • Did they go beyond what is written in the Bible by injecting theirpersonal opinions and/or made suppositions and presumptions to explain their beliefs?
  • By comparison, one can clearly see which belief (Iglesia ni Cristo or Trinitarian)conforms with the truth written in the Holy Bible.
Apostle's admonition, warning and unique way of teaching:
  • Apostle Peter consider this matter of prime importance and made it very clear that "no prophecy of scripture is a matter of personal interpretation":
    Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God. (II Peter 1:20-21, New American Bible)
  • Apostle Paul gave a warning to the early Christians "not to go beyond what is written" in the Bible:
    "Now, brothers, I have applied these things to myself  and Apollos for your benefit,  so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying,  "Do not go beyond  what is written." Then you will not take pride in one man over against another. (In  I Corinthians 4:6, New International Version)
  • If "no prophecy of scripture is a matter of personal interpretation" and  "not to go beyond what is written", in what way then, is the Apostles unique way of teaching the truth written in the Bible?
    When we tell you this, we do not use words of human wisdom. We speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit's words to explain spiritual truths. (1 Corinthians 2:13, New Living Translation)
So as not to be misled from the biblical truth, we should therefore follow the Apostle's admonition "not to make personal interpretation"  and follow the Apostle's warning "not to go beyond what is written" in the Holy Bible. 
THEREFORE, we should never believe teachings, doctrines and beliefs based on human wisdom
traditions, creeds and commandments of men, but only believe in the "words given to us by the Spirit", that is teachings, doctrines, and beliefs based and explained by the verses of the Holy Bible.

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